First band announcement for KTDF X on Thursday 6th Feb.!

The first band announcement for Kill-Town Death Fest X“15 Years of Death, Darkness and Decay” will go up THURSDAY 6TH FEBRUARY 2025 at 16.00!!!

At the same time, we are launching the presale with a limited number of earlybird tickets for sale! There will only be earlybird 4-day partout tickets for sale with the option of buying the KTDF package as an add-on.

Earlybird 4-day partout ticket: 166,6 euros / 1250 DKK + service charge
+ KTDF package add-on: 40 euros / 300 DKK (value 62 euros / 425 DKK)
The package contains the following: KTDF compilation 3 x cassette tape box w/ 1 song of each artist, KTDF Icon t-shirt w/ front + back print, KTDF tote-bag, KTDF line-up poster, KTDF Icon poster, stickers etc.

After the first band announcement, we will be announcing a band a day until all bands have been announced, followed by the full line-up poster.

We are excited to unveil the line-up for the 10th edition of KTDF celebrating 15 years of underground death metal promotion!

Artwork by Zezeah and graphic design by Steven Ash of Ash Graphic Decay!

Kill-Town Death Fest X – “15 Years of Death, Darkness and Decay”
4th – 7th September 2025 / Pumpehuset / Copenhagen, Denmark
3 stages, 35 international death metal bands, food, beer, distros,
Heavy Thunder Metal Market and more!