
Venue & Check In

When you arrive please go to the info point and check in with your ticket. Tickets will be scanned so you can bring either a print of your E-ticket or just have it on your phone (just like in an airport). When you check in you will get a embroided wristband and a printed programme. If you have purchased a KTDF package you will get that at the same time.

Pumpehuset, Studiestræde 52, 1554 Copenhagen K. Denmark


Due to fire regulations we can only have 600 people in the venue at any given time. Here are the capacity numbers of our 3 stages:
Main Stage/Salen: 600 cap.
Black Stage/Den Sorte Sal: 400 cap.
Outdoor stage/ByHaven: 400 – 600 cap


We have chosen to have no bands overlapping eachother since we think all bands booked are great and deserves a chance to be seen. Therefore we will have a band starting every hour on the hour on a different stage.


ByHaven is the outdoor area outside Pumpehuset where you´ll find a selection of bars, food stalls and merch vendors, but just a few since its a small area. This is also where our Outdoor Stage is located where we will have concerts in the afternoon of Friday and Saturday. The area will be admission free at all times, so if you weren’t so lucky to get a ticket for the fest you are still welcome to come and hang out outside and enjoy the concerts there, buy a beer and chill out. There will be a seating area in both ends of the yard where you can sit down and relax between shows and smoke since the concert halls are smoking free.


Since it’s a small area we will only have a few options available from the festival and venue – one is the permanent food stall in Pumpehuset called Uformel. They sell assorted meat and vegetarian dishes. We will also have a vegan food stall present on the street right outside from GreenBurger that will sell burgers and fries. Since the venue is placed right in the centre of Copenhagen there are plenty of good fast food places and restaurants in the area where you can get everything your heart desire in case you want to try something different.

Festival Merchandise

Again this year will have a merch stand in ByHaven connected to the info point where we will be selling KTDF IX merch. We have various designs of t-shirts, longsleeves, hoodies, crewnecks, posters, stickers and KTDF compilation tapes w/ one song from every performing artist on the festival in a nice triple cassette tape box made as a collaboration with Dessicated Productions. If you are interested in some of our old merch, we will have a selection of old shirts, posters and the left overs of the previous compilation tapes available at the merch stand.

Band Merchandise

You’ll find the band merchandise in two different areas of the festival; in the Black Stage area by the entrance/exit and under the stairs and in the upstairs bar area if you walk up the stairs on the outside of the building. As a key rule, bands playing downstairs on the Black Stage will be selling their merch there and bands playing Main Stage will be selling their merch upstairs. Bands will only be selling merch on the day they play for the most part. Please support the bands by buying their merch since this is their main income and in some cases also part of funding their trip to this festival.


Due to a very limited amount of space we can´t invite a lot of vendors for the festival except for Sunday when the whole Black Stage area turns into the Heavy Thunder Metal Market in the afternoon (see more information below). We do have a few select labels and other vendors present that you find both upstairs and downstairs. If you have any question please ask at the infopoint.

Heavy Metal Thunder Market

Are you also a metal collector? Well, then there will be a great opportunity to update your death metal catalogue, or even complete your Judas Priest assortment, at the Heavy Thunder Metal Market – The Killtown Edition, Sunday 3rd September 2023. This market will contain: LPs, CDs, Cassettes, T-shirts, pins, etc. 2nd hand but also new stuff! NO entrance fee and everyone will be able to access this event. The market is open from 12-15.30 and will take place inside Pumpehuset on the ground floor (Black Stage room). If you are interested in a seller stall/table, contact:


Are you looking for a place to stay during your visit to KTDF? We have made a deal with STEEL HOUSE located a 5-7 min walk from Pumpehuset for all our guests and bands.

Steel House Copenhagen, Herholdtsgade 6, 1605 København V

Steel House offers a 10% discount on their rooms to Kill-Town Death Fest visitors if you book through the link below


In the city center and the neighborhoods around the inner city (Nørrebro, Vesterbro, Frederiksberg and Amager) there is a parking fee. There are machines where you can pay per hour. Prices vary from place to place and time of day. Parking is free in the area around the venue and it’s easy to find parking places there.

Public Transport

There are public buses, trains and the Metro (underground). Tickets are 24 kr. (3.5 Euros) and are valid for 2 hours.

Tourist Information

Festival Contact

During the festival if you have any questions concerning the festival please find us at the info stand located near the entrance. There you will find people from the organizing crew that will do their best to help you out. We will have printed programmes which will be handed out when you check in where you will find all the necessary information including running order, band descriptions, events, basic information about the festival area, getting around Copenhagen etc. If you feel harassed or threatened by someone present at the festival please get a hold of the security present at the doors and walking around the festival area.