Canada · 20 Buck Spin
Originating at the core of The Covenant cult (with lodges in Vancouver, Canada and abroad), Egregore conjures an uncanny aura of supernatural presence from some other sphere of existence. A living entity charged with intent, worship, and desire, to jettison a wholly unhinged Death Metal vision into this plane of existence. A self-satisfied sound duplicating Black, Death, or Heavy Metal tradition alone was never in the cards, as Egregore infuses a Browningesque mania with synths, arcane chanting and soaring guitar leads (among other spells) to harness true underground vitality and occult sorcery. In early 2022, Egregore managed to achieve full manifestation and conjured the obscure musical treatise “The Word Of His Law” through 20 Buck Spin to gasps of horror and shrieks of fellow lunacy. Hushed, often displeased whispers mention shades of Mitochondrion, Auroch, and what-have-you, as the identities of those involved continue to puzzle, but appear plain as day to those with eyes open [editor’s note: nothing has been verified and there appears to be little hope of such]. This enigmatic incantation offered a first glimpse of a developing musical universe predicated upon the principal element of ancient chaotic underground Black Death Metal. Through this debut album, Egregore offered an appeal to where spiritual underground art can go, never sacrificing the too often lacking mystical components of the clandestine, otherworldly and the truly unorthodox. With a demonstration firmly established and banished, the thought-form must continue to evolve in accordance with Will. The next stage is lavishly set with human bones, arcane tapestries, fine velvet curtains, thousands of lit candelabras foolishly left unattended, and a liter and a half of absinthe per player. Wild echoes were observed and a fresh channel established, the newest musical material that ushered forth was just as fluid, rapid, and joyously unsettling. Egregore stares unblinking into the future as a fortified three-piece to capture this untamed homunculus. Listen, for the echoes will reach thine ears in due time! Finally setting foot upon the mythic olde countries for the first time, Egregore will make its European debut at Kill-Town Death Fest with ravenous zeal and pride. Expect angular ritualism and cackling obscurity!