Finland · Svart Records

The Finnish death metal band Rippikoulu was formed in 1990. Back then Rippikoulu was more or less a noisy punk/hardcore metal band but after some line-up changes Rippikoulu`s style took a turn towards slower, darker and heavier death metal or doom/death. Rippikoulu`s music and sound is known for down tuned and dark riffs and combining fast and doomy slow riffs. Rippikoulu was the first band in the whole world who did their lyrics in finnish. In 1995 one band member died and with him the whole band eventually. Band was on hold for 15 years after that, but after their legendary demo Musta Seremonia was re-released in 2010 the band started to think about getting back together. 2015 was Rippikoulu`s first live show in 20 years and after that the band has played shows around the world.